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David Mamet on Writing

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“Writing a plot is one of the hardest things I ever learned how to do. It's just hard, because it's like playing with some unclean substance. And it is, because the unclean substance is your own consciousness.”

More from David Mamet

“Look at the scene and ask yourself "Is it dramatic? Is it essential? Does it advance the plot?" Answer truthfully. If the answer is "no" write it again or throw it out.”
“You've got to stand being bad if you wanna be a writer, because if you don't, you're never going to write anything good.”
“The difficulties of the hero are the same thing as the difficulties of the writer.”
“Get into the scene late; get out of the scene early.”
“The subject of drama is The Lie. At the end of the drama THE TRUTH — which has been overlooked, disregarded, scorned, and denied — prevails.”
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