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6 Quotes on Writing by Richard Price

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Richard Price is an American novelist and screenwriter. He is best known for his novels Wanderers, Clockers and Lush Life.

Richard Price on Writing

“You don't write about the horrors of war. No. You write about a kid's burnt socks lying in the road.”
“If I can tell you the story from beginning to end in five minutes, I'm ready to start writing.”
“I think the definition of an artist is not necessarily tied into excellence or talent; an artist is somebody who, if you took away their freedom to make art, would lose their mind.”
“I write because I can't imagine not writing.”
“I have offices all over the place and I avoid work everywhere. I don't like to write - I like to be finished.”
“I always wanted to be a writer, but coming from a working-class background it was hard to feel I had that right.”
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