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Vladimir Nabokov on Writing

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“A major writer combines these three - storyteller, teacher, enchanter - but it is the enchanter in him that predominates and makes him a major writer.”

More from Vladimir Nabokov

“Style is not a tool, it is not a method, it is not a choice of words alone. Being much more than all this, style constitutes an intrinsic component or characteristic of the author's personality.”
“The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous feeling of the words being there, written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.”
“The writer's job is to get the main character up a tree, and then once they are up there, throw rocks at them.”
“A writer should have the precision of a poet and the imagination of a scientist.”
“I have rewritten — often several times — every word I have ever published. My pencils outlast their erasers.”
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