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Anne Lamott on Writing

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“Write regularly, whether you feel like writing or not, and whether you think what you're writing is any good or not.”

More from Anne Lamott

“You just have to keep getting out of your own way so that whatever it is that wants to be written can use you to write it.”
“If you are hoping to find your self-worth and fulfillment in other peoples' opinion of your writing, you will never find it.”
“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.”
“Because this business of becoming conscious, of being a writer, is ultimately about asking yourself, How alive am I willing to be?”
“The problem is acceptance, which is something we're taught not to do. We're taught to improve uncomfortable situations, to change things, alleviate unpleasant feelings. But if you accept the reality that you have been given- that you are not in a productive creative period- you free yourself to begin filling up again.”
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